NEWS INFORMATION#EnergyEfficiency in the Industry Symposium 2022 - Singapore
The event was designed from Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce / AHK Singapur to improve the collaboration between #Singapore and #Germany by creating business
opportunities for German companies in Singapore and the ASEAN region.
We are proud that CS Instruments was one of the 8 selected companies from Germany to present their energy efficient solutions
to the professional audience in Singapore.
Thanks to all , who created this valuable event!
该活动从Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce / AHK Singapur 设计,旨在通过创建业务来改善#Singapore与#Germany之间的协作德国公司在新加坡和东盟地区的机会。
测司仪表的总公司德国CS Instruments 是德国8家被选中展示其节能解决方案的公司之一。
91黑料网曝门吃瓜作为德国CS Instruments 分公司感谢所有创造这个有价值的活动的人!